We’ll help you source quality candidates with solutions to fit any budget... even if it’s $0.

Nexxt has designed these solutions to help companies of all sizes attract the right talent, regardless of budget.

A powerful way to drive free, organic traffic to your job postings.

Whether you’re using Nexxt’s native apply system or one of our integrated ATS partners, your jobs will be seen by the right candidates at no cost. Your jobs will be listed on Nexxt.com and our industry niche sites and exposed to millions of job seekers each month.

Expand your reach even further.

At a fraction of traditional job advertising costs, Nexxt Organic+ provides you with the additional value of distributing your job postings across our suite of diversity sites, and ensuring your jobs are included in Nexxt’s targeted job alerts to qualified candidates. Plus, we’ve created this solution to ensure all companies can receive quality candidates, even if you’re not using an integrated ATS partner of Nexxt.com.

Interested in searching for talent from Nexxt’s vast pool of more than 150 million candidates?

Create your free account and start searching now.

Let’s Discuss the Solution That Meets Your Sourcing Needs

Fill out the Contact form to connect with a member of the Nexxt Team to learn more about Nexxt Organic and Nexxt Organic+ today.

Interested in searching for talent from Nexxt’s vast pool of more than 150 million candidates?

Create your free account and start searching now.